Vitamin Checklist for Healthy Skin – Manis Madu
Vitamin Checklist for Healthy Skin

Vitamin Checklist for Healthy Skin

The four crucial vitamins that can pave a path for you to get flawless skin that you have always dreamed of!


Everyone’s busy spending their money out on skincare products, but do you guys know that a healthy meal is twice as important as the products you’ve bought? Maduners should all know about this!

Vitamin A


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Vitamin A is a strong antioxidant that helps prevent free radicals from breaking down collagen. So, why is vitamin A important? This is because as we grow older, some might suffer with skin aging. Problems might include saggy skin and also having fine lines that might cause insecurities to a vast number of people.


According to a certified dermatologist, Jennifer Chwalek has stated that vitamin A can help to produce new skin cells to replace the dead ones. The process is called skin turnover. Chwalek mentioned again that vitamin A can be a catalyst to “a glowing complexion” for your skin.


Some of the foods that people can include in their diet that consists of vitamin A are cheese, liver, red peppers and others. As for skincare products, retinol is a good substitute to it.

Vitamin B


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FYI, vitamin B sounds normal and simple but there’s actually eight of them. Although there’s a lot, the focus can be shifted to only 3 of them that is important for our skin’s appearance.


As stated previously, the vitamins are B3 (niacin), B7 (biotin) and B12 (cobalamin) which helps our skin when it comes to its appearance. The B vitamins help to maintain moisture, prevent eczema and anemia respectively.


When it comes to dishes, meat, fish, nuts and others are actually a good supply of B12 and B3 vitamins. Also, niacin which is vitamin B3 is an ingredient that is generally found in skincare products nowadays.


Fun fact, vitamin B9 which is also known as folate, also helps beautify our skin!

Vitamin C

vitamin-c_citrus fruits

Are you suffering from fine lines that are showing on your skin? Getting enough vitamin C is important! Vitamin C is a type of antioxidant, it helps to protect your skin from sunburns and free radicals.


Of course, fruits and veggies are always essential for amazing looking skin. This includes citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli and others.

Vitamin E


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Other than that, vitamin E is also another source of antioxidant which is also important for amazing results for the skin!


Some of the foods that are rich with vitamin E are nuts such as almonds, pumpkin, sunflower seeds and a lot more. These foods are key to keep your skin well-moisturized as it permeates into skin layers to give it a hydration boost.

What’s Next?

To conclude everything altogether, it’s safe to say that most vegetables and fruits are a brilliant source of different types of vitamins. It’s time to cut out that attitude of neglecting the veggies and endure the hardships of achieving flawless skin goals!


So, what are you waiting for Maduners? The easiest thing to do now is to stay hydrated and follow the food pyramid and take all your meals accordingly, that will for sure result in having glowing, healthy and supple skin!


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