ONG? SUS? FR? Be On Trend! 5 Latest Internet Slang That You Should You Know In 2020!
LOL! Have you ever stumbled upon foreign phrases or emojis on Tiktok and Twitter then think- what is he/she trying to say?
If yes – don’t worry we got you covered! Here’s the latest Internet slang that you need to know in 2020.
Be ready guys because it’s about to get funny and plain weird!
1. Sus

SUS is the short form of suspicious. Yes….suspicious! I bet you guys didn’t expect that right? Well now you know.
So if you want to call out on someone that is being suspicious, you have to cut out the -picious and just say “you’re looking really sus!”

2. Cap
Just to give you guys a heads up, CAP is not an acronym. It’s usually written as “that’s a cap” or just “.”
It means; that’s a lie!
So if you feel that your friend is not telling the truth, just say “you’re capping” or simply send the baseball cap emojis to get the message delivered.

Sumber Gambar: www.reddit.com
I think most of you guys already know what the meaning behind this classic emoji is, but just to give a better clarifications…it’s just a short way or saying “You look stupid!”
People usually use the emoji or just type “you’re such a clown!”
4. Fr
Fr is just another abbreviation. It is a short version of “for real”, which can be use on different occasions. You can use it just to emphasise on what you’re saying is true or simply just to ask for an accuracy of something or someone’s statement.
5. Ong

We usually saw this term on TikTok a lot. If you don’t know what ONG means, it’s okay because I too just recently figured out what it actually is.
According to urbandictionary.com, ONG implies On God. It is just a similar phrase on saying “I swear to God!”
So if you’re confident on what you’re saying is the truth…just send “ONG” to your friend! How easy is that right?
I just hope that with all this five internet slang information, you guys can be on trend instead go blank when someone converse with you using internet slang! It’s 2020! It’s the szn of bad luck?