Pretty Nails! Basic Tips For Healthy Nails
While you’re busy pampering your skin on all parts of your body, have your nails ever come crossing your mind?
Trust me, when I say every inch of your body needs love, your nails deserve them too!
So here are some tips and tricks for you to have healthy nails. Yes! as healthy as your skin.
1. Choose a suitable nail file.

Sumber Gambar: glanet.eu
There are three common nail files that are constantly used which are metal, cardboard and crystal ones. Skip the metal nail files, it’s too harsh for your natural nails.
2. Trim your nails with a clipper.

Honestly, I have the hardest time to digest when I see people trimming their nails using scissors. Sis… how? Guys, use nail clippers. They’re handy and made especially for your nails.
3. Use toothpicks to clean under your nail tips.

It’s more than fine to keep your nails long, as long as it’s clean. Being hygienic is crucial.
Therefore, if your nail tips seems a bit dirty, use a toothpick. PSA: Be careful with the toothpick tip though, some can be sharp.
4. Lip Balm for dry cuticles.
I’ve always suffered from unattractive nail cuticles and it bothers my eye-sight a LOT.

So here’s a solution approved by InStyle, which is whenever you plan to put lip balm on your lips, rub in onto your nails as well. That can reduce nail cuticles from being dry and damaged from cracking.
5. Don’t overuse harsh nail care products.

This goes to the ones who loves using nail polish. According to Mayo Clinic, nail polish removers can be harsh for your nails, so it’s better if you limit the use and opt for an acetone-free formula.
I think these are the basic steps for nail care. If you don’t do any of them for your nails, what are you doing? These little babies need attention too, so give ‘em some.
Reference: The Editors of InStyle, & InStyle, T. E. (2010). InStyle Ultimate Beauty Secrets. Adfo Books