Seek Help Before It’s Too Late! Here Are Signs Of Anxiety That You Should Be Aware Of
Let’s just start off our conversation for today with a simple, “What is anxiety?”.
According to Healthline, anxiety is your body’s natural response to stress. The energy and nervousness before a performance, waiting for an important examination results and meeting new people could trigger anxiety and fear. However, anxiety is normal. It happens to almost everyone.

The bigger problem is some people are diagnosed with anxiety disorders. Which actually means that their rate of anxiousness is extremely high– and it can be BAD in terms of health and well-being.
Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) quoted that women are about twice as likely to develop an anxiety disorder from puberty to age 50, as men.
So, here are some general signs of anxiety disorders that you should know:
1. Having sleeping problems
Do you feel like all your thoughts are haunting your mind before you sleep? You’re thinking too much of what’s coming, that’s why.
The thing is, nobody can control your thoughts except you, yourself. You can click HERE for some tips that might work for better sleep.
2. Hyperventilating, sweating and/or trembling
Increased in heart rate can cause rapid breathing and hyperventilating. This can be really scary but one of the ways to stop it is by holding your breath for 10 to 15 seconds at a time. Other than that, you can also breathe slowly into a paper bag or cupped hands, as stated by Healthline.
3. Insecurity levels soaring up

Personally, I know how hard it is to handle insecurities that we have. As per Good Housekeeping has stated, people with an anxiety disorder get too fixated on their looks. Girls, you’re beautiful! No matter how you look, you should never downgrade yourself.
4. Not wanting to meet people
Having anxiety can be the reason why you tend to avoid meeting people. It’s understandable that your presence might be the reason you feel like people are judging and criticizing you.
Trust me, you’re not the only one dealing with this, and I’m pretty sure that as long as you be yourself, people will love you as you are.
5. Having difficulties in concentrating
When you’re too worried of the things that might happen to you, you’ll jeopardize yourself from not doing your everyday tasks.
Also, you’ll lose focus in any important things you have to do. A tip I could spare to you is by doing meditation or yoga, as it helps to calm your mind and decrease negativity in you.
Lastly, if you have any of your close friends or loved ones dealing with such anxiousness in their lives, you should by right know that you HAVE to be there for them. Learn about the condition and help them. Reaching out a professional is also helpful. Remember, a little goes a long way!